Recognized as leading experts in the industry, we have over 80 years of hard work
and dedication with an exceeding reputation to match.
About Us
Norton Equipment Corp. is one of the world’s leading manufactures of surface plates and precision inspection equipment. Started in 1935 by Fred Norton, Norton Equipment is located in historic Blissfield, MI–which is home to both of our facilities. We specialize in large and small Surface Plates and Angle Plates – Plain Top, Slotted or T-Slotted for CMM, Layout and Testing. Norton Equipment Corp. also manufactures Magnesium and Aluminum Angles, Risers, Straight Edges, Parallels, Cubes, and Mouse Scribers for Model and Pattern shops.
Recognized as leading experts in the industry, we have over 80 years of hard work and dedication with an exceeding reputation to match. We have worked with powerhouses of the automotive industry such as Ford, Chrysler, Polaris, Red Bull Racing Team, Winnebago, Nissan, Tesla Motors, Hyundai, Volkswagen, Demmer Corporation, GM, Mack Trucks, Honda, Subaru and more.
Along with our custom-made magnesium and aluminum products available in either English or metric sizes, we also offer services such as certification, inspections, and refurbishments. From 1935 to present day, we have offered accurate and excellent precision inspection equipment. We urge you to head over to our Contact Us page to get in touch with us. We custom make products individualized to your specific needs with fast turnaround times with unmatched excellence. Get in touch with us and let us prove to you why we have earned the reputation of honesty and accuracy in all of our business practices.
Scott K. Cantrell………………..President
Ryan Cantrell………………..Vice-President
Adam Nine…………………General Manager
Ryan Cantrell……Installation Manager
Adam Nine – General Manager
Email: sales@nortonequipmentcorp.us
Ryan Cantrell……Installation Manager
Email: ryan@nortonequipmentcorp.us
General Information
Email: info@nortonequipmentcorp.us